miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Compo 2: The Morrison Family

1.- Baby Morrison was crying while the dog wasn´t sleeping.
2.- Ceci wasn´t  taking a bus while the cat was sleeping.
3.- Jim wasn't crying while baby Morrison wasn't speaking.
4.- Mrs. Morrison and Lucy were cooking while grandpa and grandma were talking.
5.- The dog was playing while the cat wasn't walking.
6.- The cat wasn´t running while Mrs. Morrison and Lucy weren't watching t.v.
7.- Grandma and grandpa weren't dancing while the dog wasn't barking.
8.- The dog wasn't barking while Ceci was taking a shower.
9.- Grandpa and granma were talking while Jim was watchimg t.v.
10.- The cat was sleeping while baby Morrison was crying.

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